Kate Lagaly Workshop
Enhancing Your Art with Backgrounds
For those of us who paint and draw our subjects close-up, backgrounds can sometimes elude us. Does this need a background? What do we put there? Kate has some ideas on this subject and some really fun techniques for you to try. She will discuss her process using a slide show of examples. She will also demonstrate adding a background to an existing subject (in watercolor) and we will make textures together in various mediums that can be used in your backgrounds (and on your subjects as well).
Extra examples, link:
Handouts: link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12mCaSTjePgiGw0LY_JILtzIiXD7n9Gjq?usp=sharing
Texture slideshow, link:
Backgrounds slideshow, link:
Photos of the demo textures, link:
Painting a background video, link:
To view Kate's artwork visit her
Enhancing Your Art with Backgrounds
For the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators- Carolinas Chapter via Zoom
February 20th, 2022